Thursday, November 10, 2022

I'm voted as the 12 Best Beauty Influencer In Singapore!!

OMG GUYS! It's been a year since I last updated my blog. How are all of you doing??

It's not that I lost interest when blogging is my passion when I started. It was due to being busy with my job and the past year, many unfortunate things that has happened to me. From being continuously terminated by 2 co without real reason to joining a SCAM U.S co to having lost both my grandparent's within the span of 1 month then to meeting another level of cheater. Over all it was hectic for me this whole 2022.

But seeing that I have multiples mention from various site for being best Beauty Blogger / Influencer, I felt that there's a need to come and say Hi 👋to my readers. Don't worry I'm still alive. I'm just more active on my Instagram nowadays. 

So this article and tag caught me by surprise today as I'm being listed as 12 Best Beauty Influencer In Singapore 2023 by Simibest . I was so surprised that the fact I rarely blog nowadays and I still have the privilege to be listed among the top influencers in SG like Mongchin, Miyaki, bellywellyjelly and more!

Here's the screenshot and also you can click on this link to read more.

Ok I realised though that my IG handle has typo haha. It should be Ivianathui if anyone wanna check me out there.

Please read the article on the web for more awesome Beauty Influencer/Blogger and lastly, I promised to upload more frequently if possible!

Take care for now everyone <3💓